EvA App Demo Videos and Tutorials

Below you'll find links to video demos and tutorials to get you acquainted with the software and guide you through the various processes EvA is built to facilitate.

  • General Use Videos (4)
    Intro and Dashboard demo video

    Learn the basic navigation and dashboard layout for the EvA App event management platform. This video will talk you through the various sections of the dashboard and get you familiar with the basic usage of the site.

    Tasks summary video

    This video will walk you through managing tasks. Learn how to view, create, edit and assign tasks as well as build out sub-tasks to help keep you and your team on track.

    Venue summary video

    This video will walk you through managing venues. Create a database of venues complete with multiple contacts, Google maps, and file attachments to make working in your favorite spaces a breeze.

    Vendor / Client summary video

    Events are produced by people, and few are more important than your clients and the vendors who will execute your vision. Learn how to create, edit, and manage vendors / clients and group them into companies to keep your contacts organized and your relationships well managed.

  • Events (7)
    Events : Overview video

    This is the first in a series of videos on event creation and management. This video introduces you to the event overview screen and shows the beginning concepts of assembling various records into an event environment.

    Events : Production video

    This video walks you through uploading and displaying renderings and images on the EvA platform. It also discusses other production file types and how to use EvA as a file repository to keep teams up to date with the latest information.

    Events : Schedule video

    This video shows you the scheduling tool on the EvA event management platform. It will take you through the process of creating and updating schedules, as well as exporting to a CSV for use in any spreadsheet software.

    Events : Teams video

    In this video, you'll learn how to build your team. From assigning existing users to inviting new users to the platform, this video walks you through the steps of building a team and setting permissions.

    Events : Staff/Travel video

    This video looks at the tools built to help you track and manage your team's travel and lodgings as well as track one-off staffing costs. With data that feeds directly into your budget, these tools are vital to keeping you organized and on budget.

    Events : Budget video

    This video explores the data and features of the event budget section of the EvA event management platform. From creating estimates to tracking expenditures, the EvA event management platform allows you to easily track where and how your budget is being spent.

    Events : Financials video

    In this video, we walk through the process of financial tracking via the invoices and expenses tab at the event level as well as the cumulative financial history via the user profile tab.

  • Subscription and Tiers Videos (2)
    Free vs. Paid functionality video

    The key to any successful event is collaboration and the sharing of ideas. We understand that not everyone involved in an event needs to build out events or track data, but needs to have visibility into the process. With multiple levels of participation on the platform, you can feel free to invite as many users as you wish, without worrying about cost as a hinderance.

    Subscription process video

    This video walks you through the process of converting your free user account to a paid subscription, securely via Stripe, to unlock the full functionality of the platform.

  • Security and Sharing (0)
    Coming Soon
  • User Profile (0)
    Coming Soon

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